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Tilers BB: Tile Adhesives with a Gel formulation you can trust!! Made in the UK, and designed and manufactured for UK conditions....

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Tile Adhesives with a Gel formulation you can trust!!
Made in the UK, and designed and manufactured for UK conditions.
No matter the environment, substrate, tile type or size, this adhesive offers consistent curing times in as little as 4 hours with up to 2.5 hours of pot life and all open time of traditional standard setting products.
Collect points on Givbax to redeem for CASH
BAL Tiling
#tiling #tilingyoucantrust #tiler #bal #tiles #geltileadhesives #timeismoney #givbax
Tile Adhesives with a Gel formulation you can trust!!
Made in the UK, and designed and manufactured for UK conditions.
No matter the environment, substrate, tile type or size, this adhesive offers consistent curing times in as little as 4 hours with up to 2.5 hours of pot life and all open time of traditional standard setting products.
Collect points on Givbax to redeem for CASH
BAL Tiling
#tiling #tilingyoucantrust #tiler #bal #tiles #geltileadhesives #timeismoney #givbax

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