• Welcome to Tilers Talk Bulletin Board

    Hey there, welcome to the new Tilers Talk Bulletin Board. Anybody can post, no need to register (you can if you want to). Manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, tile fixers and potential customers are all welcome to post to the bulletin board.

    As well as posting to the bulletin board, you're also welcome to post to our Facebook Group; Tilers Talk on Facebook.

🚨🚨 Annual Tilers Community Raffle raises over £20k for charities! 💰💸💷🏥🏩

The annual Tilers Community Group Christmas charity raffle has just raised £4,311 for varied charities.
Group member and the group fundraiser Lee Poulter, (LP Tiling Horsham) and assisted by his wife Karen (middle and right in picture below)undertake all of the organisation and fundraising.
Several fundraisers have taken place during the year and over the previous years.
The annual Christmas raffle is something that finishes the year on a high for the group.
Total amount now raised by these raffles exceeds £20,000!
Supported by the generosity of retailers, manufacturers and companies donating prizes and gifts.
Members are able to support the cause with the chance of winning the prizes by purchasing tickets.
Some of the charities to benefit include
Horsham Matters
Helping Homeless Veterans-UK
Pink Ribbon Foundation
Prostate Cancer UK
Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity
Breast Cancer uk
Macmillan Cancer Support
And many more
Thank you to Lee, Karen, all of the companies for donating prizes and all of the members who purchased tickets.
Just bumping this as we've had quite a bit of news and things posted from Tilezine and Tilers Forums (via RSS, which we can do for anybody who has blogs/news in their brands).